
About Heading ElementClick to copy

Summary: PageFly Heading Element is essential to create and optimize catchy contents aka SEO title, to grab customer attention, in order to increase conversion rate.

PageFly Heading Element can present a content title to catch the attention of customers in order to increase your conversion rate. You can use the Heading element to display important ideas, to mark product sections or to introduce big sales, etc.

For more details, you can check the video tutorial below:

How To Access Heading ElementClick to copy

  • Step 1: Click on the Plus icon which is the Add element function
  • Step 2: Click on the Heading element in the dropdown menu
  • Step 3: Drag and drop the element you want into the page editor and then start using it.

 Heading Element

Note: Heading element comes with some variations (with text, with/without icons) covering most needs. But we will continue to add more variations to help you save time.

Drag a variation to the layout and see how it can be configured.

How To Configure For Heading ElementClick to copy

The Heading element comes with various parameters for you to tackle to create a high-converting heading for the page. Select the element in the layout to see its parameters.

The parameters in the General and Styling tabs are specific for this element. Read about them in this article.

General ConfigurationClick to copy

Heading TextClick to copy

Insert and style the content of the heading.

Heading element

HTML TagClick to copy

Select the heading tag for your text. (from H1 as largest to H6 as smallest).

Heading element

IconClick to copy

In Show icon, you can choose to show or hide the icon.

Heading element

If you choose to show the icon, you can settings for Icon position and Icon vertical Alignment:

Icon Position: This parameter allows you to change the position of the icon in horizontal align with heading element Heading element
Icon Vertical Alignment: This parameter allows you to change the position of the icon in vertical that align with heading element Heading element

ActionClick to copy

You can read more about the ACTION parameter here.

Heading element

TrackingClick to copy

  • PageFly events provide a general view of the page’s performances. You can read more here
  • Google Analytics event to your GA account. You can find out how to set it up here.
  • Facebook Pixel when a customer clicks on the element. You can read more here.

You can get further information about ATTRIBUTES, VISIBILITY, ANIMATION parameters

Styling ConfigurationClick to copy

Heading element

You can check more information about the Styling tab Styling tab

If you do not find the font you want, you can use Add Custom Font feature in PageFly. For more details, please check this video tutorial:

Use CasesClick to copy

How To Change Heading Size?Click to copy

You can change the size of the heading by simply going to the Styling > Font size and drag the black dot to the desired size. If you already have a specific number in mind, then simply enter it in the Font size box on the right.

Heading element

How To Change Heading Text Alignment?Click to copy

Go to Styling > Text alignment section. There are 4 alignment options to choose from:

Left Heading element
Center Heading element
Right Heading element
Justify Heading element

How To Change Heading Color?Click to copy

You can change the text color by going to Styling > Color. There are 8 default colors but you can always customize to your linking.

Heading element

Best Practices For Using HeadingClick to copy

  • Keep your headings focused and easy to understand. Use keywords relevant to the section’s content
  • Leave enough space above and below headings to improve readability and visual hierarchy
  • Sometimes, a well-placed heading can double as a call to action (CTA) prompting visitors to take a desired action (e.g., “Shop Now,” “Learn More”)
  • Don’t be afraid to use a mix of H2, H3, and H4 headings to break up long sections and guide users through your content.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

Can I Style Headings, Or It Cannot Be Changed?Click to copy

Yes, of course you can style the headings, to make it bold, italic or underlined, along with so many other options, including hyperlink, cross-through or caps lock the text.

How Many Headings Should I Include In The Article?Click to copy

H1 (As the title), 2 to 3 H2 as the main opener of the paragraph, then the H3 to explain each point better!

What Is The PageFly Heading Hierarchy Level?Click to copy

There are 6 levels, from the H1 as largest to H6 as smallest.

Additional ResourcesClick to copy

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