How to Use Shopify Contact Form Button

About Contact Form Button ElementClick to copy

Summary: Shopify Contact Form Button is designed to help you customize your Contact Form.

Note: Contact Form Button element must reside inside a Contact Form

So, please make sure you have dragged a Contact Form element into the layout before adding the Contact Form Button element.

You can check this video tutorial for more details:

How To Access The Contact Form Button ElementClick to copy

  • Step 1: Click on the Shopify elements icon
  • Step 2: Scroll down to the Contact Form Button element or you can search it
  • Step 3: The Contact Form Button element comes with multiple variations covering most of your needs, but we will continue to add more variations to help you save time. Drag and drop the element you want

access contact form button

How To Configure For Contact Form Button Element?Click to copy

This element comes with plenty of parameters allowing you to fine-tune content appearance to reach the best possible conversion rate.

Select the element in the layout to see its parameters.

The parameters in the General and Styling tabs are specific for this element.

General SettingsClick to copy

ContentClick to copy


Button type: there are three options available:

  • Text only
  • Text with icon
  • Icon only



Button text: enter the text that will appear on the button (please note that this field will be disabled if button type is Icon only


Icon Position: if the button type you select includes an icon, you can choose its position from here, either on the Left, on the Right, or on the Top of the Button Text.

TrackingClick to copy

There are 3 tracking options available:

  • PageFly events
  • Google analytics
  • Facebook pixel

AttributeClick to copy

This is a parameter that all elements have. You can read more here.

VisibilityClick to copy

This is a parameter that all elements have. You can read more here.

AnimationClick to copy

This is a parameter that all elements have. You can read more here.

Styling SettingsClick to copy

You can choose Button State, which contains 3 options: Normal, Hover, Active.

Global StyleClick to copy

There are 7 default button options you can choose for the contact form button

OverallClick to copy

Content Color: Change the color of contact form button content by using the available parameter

AlignmentClick to copy

There are three horizontal alignment options available: left, center, right

SpacingClick to copy

  • Padding: edit to adjust the inner spacing of the element’s container


  • Margin: edit to adjust the outer spacing of the element’s container

TypographyClick to copy

  • Font Family: choose your desired font for the contact form button
  • Font Size: Adjust font size by dragging the black dot or by entering a number in the box on the right
  • Text alignment: left, center, right, justify

BackgroundClick to copy

  • Background Color: choose background color for contact form button by using the available parameters
  • Background image: Click Select image > Choose image > Click Select

BorderClick to copy

  • Border style: there are 3 border styles for contact form button element, which are: solid, dotted, dashed
  • Border color: you can adjust the color of each border and click More settings to see more parameters. Please note that this setting is available if you select one out of 3 border styles above.

DisplayClick to copy

There are 2 display style options: Inline, Block

Custom CSSClick to copy

You can read about the CUSTOM CSS parameter here.

How To Configure Notice For Contact Form Button Element?Click to copy

After hitting Submit, customer’s messages will go directly to your Store Email, which is set up in Shopify admin > Settings > Store details

If you want to redirect customers after submission, please select the whole Contact form element and enable Redirect after submission.

We have another choice, you can use the Klaviyo element.

Best Practices For Using Contact Form Button ElementClick to copy

  • Use a clear and concise label for the contact form button that accurately reflects its purpose. Examples include “Contact Us,” “Submit Inquiry,” or “Start Chat” (if applicable)
  •  Place the contact form button prominently on your website where users can easily find it
  • Ensure the button triggers the appropriate action, such as opening your contact form or directing users to a dedicated contact page

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

Why Is The Contact Form Important?Click to copy

Contact Form is the way for visitors to reach you. With a form, sellers can get all the contact information, connect with your audience to start a new lead, and ultimately to improve revenues and page performance.

What Should Include In The Contact Form?Click to copy

Name, email address and phone number.

What Are The Cta Texts For Contact Form Button?Click to copy

The button text should be only 2-4 words, for example: Contact Us, Connect with Us, Talk to Us or Let’s Chat.

Additional ResourcesClick to copy

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