How to Use Mailchimp Form Element with PageFly

About Mailchimp Form ElementClick to copy

Summary: you can use the MailChimp Form element to collect customer’s emails on your Shopify page with PageFly.

Before jumping to the detailed steps, you can watch this video below:

Before using this element, you have to install the Mailchimp app to your store and configure all options in the app and then come back to PageFly to use the element(s) on all of your PageFly pages.

How To Access Mailchimp Form ElementClick to copy

  • Step 1: Click on the Plus icon which is the Add element function
  • Step 2: Click on the MailChimp Form element in the dropdown menu
  • Step 3: Drag and drop the element you want into the page editor and then start using it.

how to access maipchim form element

How To Configure For MailChimp Form Element?Click to copy

General SettingsClick to copy

Field Input: Set up the Name Placeholder
Mailchimp Form Button: Set up the Button Type,Button Text and Icon Position
Icon: Select Icon and adjust icon size

You can get further information about ATTRIBUTES, VISIBILITY, ANIMATION parameters here

Styling SettingsClick to copy

You can customize the styling of the Mailchimp Form element, Mailchimp Input Email and Mailchimp Form Button individually in the Styling tab:

You can check more information about the Styling tab here.

How To Set Up The Mailchimp App On Your Shopify AccountClick to copy

Step 1: Go To MailChimp: Email & SMS AppClick to copy

  • Firstly, access to your Shopify store. Then, go to the Apps page in the left toolbar > Click on the Mailchimp: Email & SMS app to open the app.

go to mailchimp app

  • Click Continue to Mailchimp and enter your account or create a new account to start using Mailchimp

Step 2: Go To Signup FormsClick to copy

Click the Audience and choose Signup forms.

Step 3: Select Embedded FormsClick to copy

Start customizing your form using the functions in the left bar. You can set up the following:

  • Form Fields:

  • Settings:

  • Tags:

  • Referral Badge:

Then hit the “Continue” button on the top right when finishing settings.

Step 4: Copy The Action Url From The Code Text BoxClick to copy

Find the form action code > copy everything inside the quotation symbol, starting with https://….

In this example, the code here is “

Step 5: Activate Mailchimp Form Element With The Copied CodeClick to copy

Step 5.1: Go Back To Your Pagefly Editor Page To Access The Mailchimp Element.Click to copy

  • Step 1: Click on the Plus icon which is the Add element function
  • Step 2: Click on the MailChimp form element in the dropdown menu
  • Step 3: Drag and drop the element you want into the page editor and then start using it.

access mailchimp element on pagefly

Step 5.2: Use The Copied CodeClick to copy

After dragging the MailChimp form element to the page, select it and paste the copied code into Action URL of the CONTENT parameter in the General tab.

Best Practices For Using MailChimp Form ElementClick to copy

  • Ensure the Mailchimp form has a clear purpose and value proposition. What benefit do users get by subscribing (e.g., discounts, exclusive offers, industry news)? Communicate this clearly
  • Limit the number of form fields to essential information like name and email address. Longer forms can decrease signup rates
  • Include a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) button next to the form, such as “Subscribe Now” or “Get Updates.”

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

What Is Mailchimp?Click to copy

Mailchimp offers form element, also to be an email marketing platform, as the best way to collect data, improve communication with buyers, including improvement on content, targeting, and smart automation.

When Was MailChimp Created?Click to copy

MailChimp was created in 2018.

How Much Is MailChimp Shopify?Click to copy

The MailChimp’s monthly subscription fee is from $13.

Can I Use MailChimp Shopify On PageFly Editor?Click to copy

Yes, MailChimp Email is also available.

Is Mailchimp Free On Shopify Store?Click to copy

Yes, free plan is applied, with premium upgrades available.

What’s Included In The Mailchimp Shopify Plan?Click to copy

A minimal free plan from Mailchimp includes access to create email, Marketing CRM, Creative Assistant, Sign Up Forms, Management of: Landing Pages, Social posting, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Postcards and domain customization.

Who Is Currently In Partnership With Mailchimp Shopify?Click to copy

QuickBooks Online,, LiveChat, PayWhirl, Mixpanel, Yotpo.

Additional ResourcesClick to copy

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