Shopify Product Price Element | How to Edit with PageFly

About Shopify Product Price ElementClick to copy

Summary: Shopify Product Price Element is designed to display the price of your Shopify products on your page to increase your conversion rate. You can use the Product Price element to promote your products on any non-product page or to use it on a product page.

You can check more details in the video tutorial below.

How To Access The Product Price ElementClick to copy

  • Step 1: Click on the 3rd icon in the Element Catalog which is the Add Shopify element function
  • Step 2: Click on the Product Price element in the dropdown menu
  • Step 3: Drag and drop the element into the page editor and then start using it.

Product Price VariationsClick to copy

Product Price element comes with three common variations but we will continue to add more variations to help you save time.

  • Product Price and Product Compared at Price: Show the original price and discount price in the same line
    • Product Price: Show the original price
    • Product Compared at Price: Show the discount price

Note that you can search for this element by using the search function instead of finding it in the sidebar.

How To Configure For Product Price ElementClick to copy

Product Price element comes with plenty of parameters allowing you to fine-tune content appearance for the best possible conversion rate.

Select the element in the layout to see its parameters.

General SettingsClick to copy

When you drag and drop this element into the editor page, there are 2 choices of the Product Source for you to choose from such as:

  • Auto
  • Custom Product

Note that if you are in the Product Page and use the Product Price element inside a Product Details element, the Product Price will automatically take the price of the Product details. At the same time, the auto option is automatically assigned as product source.

If you are in the Product page and use this element outside the Product Details element, you can choose the Product Source in the General tab.

product price

You can choose Custom Product and select the product you want.

If you are in a Regular Page and use this element, the Product Source option is disabled and the Custom Product chosen by default.

  • Price Display: there are 3 options:
    • Price and compare price
    • Price
    • Compare at price

  • Price Position: This parameter is only shown when selecting to display both price and compare at price. There are 4 positions:
    • Product price on the left
    • Product price on the right
    • Product price at the top
    • Product price at the bottom

Styling SettingsClick to copy

Global styleClick to copy

  • There are 7 default heading options you can choose for the product price element

OverallClick to copy

  • Content Color: Change the color of product price content by using the available parameter

SpacingClick to copy

  • Padding: edit to adjust the inner spacing of the element’s container
  • Margin: edit to adjust the outer spacing of the element’s container

TypographyClick to copy

  • Font Family: choose your desired font for product price element

  • Font Size: Adjust font size by dragging the black dot or by entering a number in the box on the right

BackgroundClick to copy

  • Background Color: choose background color for product price by using the available parameters

  • Background image: Click Select image > Choose image > Click Select

BorderClick to copy

  • Border style: there are 3 border styles for produce price element, which are: solid, dotted, dashed

  • Border color: you can adjust the color of each border and click More settings to see more parameters. Please note that this setting is available if you select one out of 3 border styles above.

DisplayClick to copy

There are three display style options: Inline, Block, Flex

product price display

You can check more information about the PageFly Element Styling.

How To Configure Compare At Price Element Inside Product Price?Click to copy

The Product Price element contains 2 elements: Price and Compare at Price. With these elements, you can only change the styling for them.

You can check more information about the Styling tab here

Note that when adding more products to the cart, the total price won’t be shown there, it will be shown on the checkout page.

Best Practices For Using Product Price ElementClick to copy

  • Ensure the product price is displayed clearly and prominently using a large enough font size and contrasting color for easy readability on all devices
  • Include the appropriate currency symbol for your target audience to avoid confusion
  • Ideally, position the product price element close to the “Add to Cart” button to create a clear visual connection between price and purchase action

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

How Is Price Commonly Measured?Click to copy

The price is usually measured by cost, market value, and weighted average.

How Many Shopify Product Price Variations Are There?Click to copy

Three, including Product Price and Product Compared at Price; Product Price and Product Compared at Price.

Additional ResourcesClick to copy

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