How to Add Shopify Collection Image

About Shopify Collection Image ElementClick to copy

The Shopify Collection Image Element is designed to display the images of your Shopify collections on your page to increase your conversion rate. You can use the Collection Image element to promote your collection on any non-collection page or use it on a collection page.

How To Access Collection Image ElementClick to copy

  • Step 1: Click on the Add Shopify element icon in the Element Catalog
  • Step 2: Click on the Collection Image element in the dropdown menu
  • Step 3: Drag and drop the element into the page editor and then start using it.

Collection Image element comes with one common variation, but we will continue to add more variations to help you save time.

Note that you can search for this element by using the search function instead of finding it in the sidebar.

How To Configure Collection Image ElementClick to copy

Collection Image element comes with plenty of parameters allowing you to fine-tune content appearance for the best possible conversion rate.

To get a clearer picture, there’s a handy step-by-step video you can watch first:

Select the element in the layout to see its parameters.

When you drag and drop this element into the editor page, there are 2 choices for the Collection Source for you to choose from:

  • Auto
  • Custom Collection

Note that if you are in the Collection Page and use the Collection Image element, then you can choose the Collection Source option. However, if you are in a Regular Page and use this element, the Collection Source option is disabled and the Custom Collection chosen by default.

If you choose Auto, then the collection that was assigned when you created this collection page will be displayed in the page editor. The Auto option is the default when you use the Collection Image element.

You can choose Custom Collection and select the collection you want.

General TabClick to copy

Enable Full Width

Make the Image to fit with the width of its container (example: column).

Image Width

You can adjust Image Width when turning Enable Full Width off.

Image Ratio

There are three types for you to choose:

  • Original : Image will show in  its original size
  • Square : Image will show in a square shape
  • Custom : You can adjust the height of the image
Image Height

You can adjust Image Height when selecting Custom in Image Ratio.

Image Object Fit

In Square and Custom type, you can resize the image to fit its container.

  • Cover: Image will stretch to fit with the container
  • Contain: Image will squeeze to stay inside its container
Image Position

In Square and Custom type, you can select specify the position for the image inside its container.

collection image

If the image fits the container, the Image position will show accordingly.

Link To Collection

Enable this option if you want to link the image to the corresponding collection page when a user clicks on it.

You can get further information about ATTRIBUTES, VISIBILITY, ANIMATION parameters here

Styling TabClick to copy

You can check more information about the Element Style Settings.

Common CasesClick to copy

Change The Displayed Image For A CollectionClick to copy

To modify or upload a new display image for a collection on Shopify:

  1. Navigate to the Shopify Admin dashboard, then proceed to Products > Collections.
  2. Select the collection whose image you wish to update.
  3. Within the collection’s settings, find the Image section.
  4. Click the “Edit” button to change the image.

collection image tips

Tips And Best PracticesClick to copy

  • Use high-quality, visually appealing images to represent your collections effectively.
  • Ensure that the images are relevant and accurately depict the products within each collection.
  • Optimize image file sizes to improve page load times while maintaining sufficient quality.
  • Consider using lifestyle or product-in-use images to create a more engaging and relatable experience for your customers.
  • Regularly update your collection images to keep your store fresh and engaging.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

1. Can I use the Collection Image element on product pages?

Yes, you can use the Collection Image element on product pages to showcase related collections and encourage further exploration of your product catalog.

2. Can I display multiple collection images side-by-side?

Yes, you can add multiple instances of the Collection Image element to your page and arrange them side-by-side using the page builder’s layout options.

3. What is the maximum image size that I can upload?

The maximum file size for images on Shopify is 20MB.

4. Can I link the collection images to custom URLs instead of the collection pages?

No, you can only link the collection image to the corresponding collection page.

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