Shopify Product Title | How To Edit with PageFly

About Shopify Product Title ElementClick to copy

Summary: Shopify Product Title element is designed to display the titles of your products on the Shopify product pages.

This product title works best if you put it inside the product details element.

Before diving into the details, watch this step-by-step video tutorial:

How To Access Shopify Product Title ElementClick to copy

  • Step 1: From PageFly’s Dashboard, go to the page listing and choose the page you want to edit.
  • Step 2: In the Editor, on the left sidebar, click on Add shopify element
  • Step 3: You can quickly find the Product Title element under the Product drop-down menu
  • Step 4: Drag and drop the element into the page and start editing

Shopify Product Title

You can also access the Product Title element by searching it in the Search box.

The Product Title element comes with two common variants:

  • Product Title: Display a product title without a hover underline animation
  • Product Title: Add a hover underline animation to your title.

How To Configure For Product Title ElementClick to copy

When clicking on the Product Title element, you will see various types of parameters that help you fine-tune the look however you want.

General SettingsClick to copy

The General tab is where you find all the customizations to set up your product title.

Shopify Product Title

ContentClick to copy

  • Product Source

The Auto option is the default when you use the Product Title element. The product title will update dynamically according to the product assigned.

There are 2 variants for the Product Source:

Auto a product was assigned to the product page through Page Assignment and will be displayed in the Editor
Custom Product you can assign any product to your product page

When you drag & drop the Product Title element, you can place the title of your product outside or inside the  Product Details element.

Outside the Product Details element: There are 2 options to choose from which are Auto and Custom Product.

Shopify Product Title

Inside the Product Details element: The Product Source option is disabled and you can’t change the assigned product on the Product Title element.

Shopify Product Title

Note: To edit the assigned product, head to the top of the Editor > Choose Product Details section.

Shopify Product Title

Note: If you are on the Product Page and use the Product Title element, you can choose the Product Source option.

However, if you are on a Regular Page and use this element, the Product Source option is disabled and the Custom Product is chosen by default.

  • HTML Tag

You can set any header tag from H1 to H6. These tags are used to define the HTML headings.

Shopify Elements – Product Title

  • Link To Product

Enable this option if you want to link the title to the corresponding product page.

Shopify Product Title

TrackingClick to copy

This is a place where you can set up the page analytics:

  • PageFly Events to track the number of clicks on an element. For more information about this feature, check out our guidelines.
  • Google Analytics event to your GA account. We’ve gathered a step-by-step guideline on how to set up Google Analytics here.
  • Facebook Pixel when a customer clicks on the element. Discover further details on how to set up Facebook Pixel on your pages now.

We’ve also put together detailed information about Attributes, Visibility, and Animation in this article. Don’t hesitate to check it out!

Shopify Elements – Product Title

Styling SettingsClick to copy

Global styleClick to copy

  • There are 7 default heading options you can choose for the product title element.

Shopify Elements – Product Title

  • You could also define the state for the product title element. Three options include Normal state, Mouse over state, and Active/selected state

Shopify Elements – Product Title

OverallClick to copy

  • Content Color: Change the color of Product Title content by using the available parameter

Shopify Elements – Product Title

SpacingClick to copy

  • Padding: edit to adjust the inner spacing of the element’s container
  • Margin: edit to adjust the outer spacing of the element’s container

Shopify Elements – Product Title

TypographyClick to copy

  • Font Family: choose your desired font for Product Title

Shopify Elements – Product Title

  • Font Size: Adjust font size by dragging the black dot or by entering a number in the box on the right

Shopify Elements – Product Title

  • Text Alignment: There are 4 text alignment options available, including Left, Right, Middle, and Justify

Shopify Elements – Product Title

BackgroundClick to copy

  • Background Color: choose background color for product title by using the available parameters

Shopify Elements – Product Title

  • Background image: Click Select image > Choose image > Click Select

Shopify Elements – Product Title

Best Practices For Using Product Title ElementClick to copy

  • Ensure the product title accurately reflects the product’s name and core function
  • Keep the product title concise and informative, avoiding overly lengthy descriptions
  • Place the product title element prominently on product pages and category listings, ensuring it’s easily visible to users

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

What Product Title Means?Click to copy

Product Title is the name of your product to show on your eCommerce store. The product title should be functional and easy to understand.

How Long Should A Product Title Be On Shopify?Click to copy

From 70 to 90 characters

What Is The Difference Between A Product Title And An Seo Page Title?Click to copy

Product Title is the name of your product, and the SEO Page Title is to describe and SEO-optimized for a webpage. The SEO Page Title should contain main idea, main keyword and necessary number.

Additional ResourcesClick to copy

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