Facebook Like & Share

About Facebook Like & Share ElementClick to copy

Facebook Like and Share Element is designed to integrate this feature into your page to increase your conversion rate, which is also great for community building.

Sellers can use these Facebook Like and Share elements to add social proof for your store, products or simply introduce the social media pages of your brand to your visitors.

How To Access Facebook Like and Share ElementClick to copy

  • Step 1: Click on the Plus icon which is the Add element function
  • Step 2: Click on the Facebook Like & Share element in the dropdown menu
  • Step 3: Drag and drop the element you want into the page editor and then start using it.

Facebook Like and Share

How To Configure For Facebook Like and Share ElementClick to copy

You can watch this video tutorial for more visualization:

The Facebook Like & Share element comes with plenty of parameters allowing you to fine-tune content appearance to reach the best possible conversion rate. Select the element in the layout to see its parameters.

The parameters in the General and Styling tabs are specific for this element.

General ConfigurationClick to copy

App ID: Facebook App ID. This is a required field.

Please go to this link https://developers.facebook.com/,

click on the “Get Started” button located on the top right and follow the instructions to get your Facebook App ID.

Content layout: Layout of Facebook Like.
  • Standard: Like button and written text of the number of likes
  • Button: Only like button.
  • Button Count: Like button and number of likes on the right.
  • Box Count: Like button and number of likes on top
Facebook Like and Share
Button Size: Size of the button. Facebook Like and Share
Include Share Button: Show or hide Share button. Facebook Like and Share

You can get further information about ATTRIBUTES, VISIBILITY and ANIMATION parameters here.

Styling ConfigurationClick to copy

  • Padding: edit to adjust the inner spacing of the element’s container
  • Margin: edit to adjust the outer spacing of the element’s container



Facebook Like and Share
Font Family: choose your desired font for  the Facebook Like & Share element


Facebook Like and Share
Font Size: Adjust font size by dragging the black dot or by entering a number in the box on the right Facebook Like and Share
Text Alignment: There are 4 text alignment options available, including Left, Right, Middle, and Justify
Background Color: choose background color for product title by using the available parameters
Background image: Click Select image > Choose image > Click Select Facebook Like and Share

There are three border styles:

  • Solid
  • Dotted
  • Dashed

There are 3 display style options: Inline, Block, Flex

You can check more information about the Styling tab here.

Tips And Best PracticesClick to copy

  • Place the element prominently where users are likely to engage with it, such as near product descriptions, after blog posts, or at the bottom of your homepage
  • Ensure the Facebook Like & Share element displays well and functions flawlessly on all devices, especially mobile phones, where social sharing is prevalent
  • Consider showcasing the number of existing likes and shares to leverage social proof and encourage others to like and share your content as well

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

Why Add Facebook Element To Shopify Store?Click to copy

Having Facebook reaction elements is the great way to interact and reach visitors to turn them into customers.

Why Connect Facebook To Shopify?Click to copy

Connect Shopify account with Facebook and Instagram app is the way to create Facebook ad campaigns, to gain helpful insights and of course to sell products on Facebook and Instagram. Check out how to add Facebook Page Element!

Why Is Social Media Good For E-commerce Store?Click to copy

It helps to build brand awareness, advertise to target users, and ultimately increase sales, and conversion rate. This is an action to provide customer support, gain better conversation with customers, and of course, community building.

Additional ResourcesClick to copy

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