What apps does PageFly integrate with?

About Integrations Between PageFly And PartnersClick to copy

PageFly has integrated with a wide range of third-party apps to help users enhance their online stores. These integrations cover various aspects such as product information, options, media, reviews, subscriptions, marketing, and more. The goal is to increase the conversion rate and sales of PageFly users by providing advanced functionalities that can improve the customer experience and operational efficiency.

The third-party app integrations are useful in a variety of scenarios, including displaying detailed product details, showcasing photos and videos, managing bookings and preorders, implementing upsell/cross-sell strategies, tracking orders, and integrating social media and email marketing.

How To Access And Use Third Party Apps With PageFlyClick to copy

There are 2 ways to access and enable each Third party app that PageFly are integrated with:

  • From editor page
  • From Integrations page

Please check on this article to learn more on how to access and use third party apps with PageFly.

What Apps Does PageFly Integrate WithClick to copy

Here is a list of all third party apps that have integrated with PageFly:

Reviews And RatingClick to copy

1. Product Reviews And RatingsClick to copy

2. Collection Reviews And RatingsClick to copy

3. Store Reviews And RatingsClick to copy

Upsell & Cross SellClick to copy

1. Add To WishlistClick to copy

2. BundlesClick to copy

3. RecommendationsClick to copy

4. Cross Sell And OffersClick to copy

Badges And SealsClick to copy

Appointment BookingClick to copy

Delivery And PickupsClick to copy

SubscriptionsClick to copy

Order TrackingClick to copy

Upload FieldsClick to copy

1. Product CustomizersClick to copy

2. Product FieldsClick to copy

Email MarketingClick to copy

Product InformationClick to copy

1. Product Size ChartClick to copy

2. Product OptionsClick to copy

3. Product Photos And VideosClick to copy

4. Product BookingClick to copy

5. Product PreorderClick to copy

Push NotificationsClick to copy

Referral & Affiliate MarketingClick to copy

Image And MediaClick to copy

Loyalty And RewardClick to copy

SustainabilityClick to copy

GiftsClick to copy

InternationalizationClick to copy

AdvertisingClick to copy

SupportClick to copy

SMS MarketingClick to copy

Note: If you are using an app that is not listed above, you just need to contact that app to get the embedded code that can work with PageFly then use the HTML/Liquid element to use it on PageFly pages or using PageFly App Block element.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

1. Are there any limitations or compatibility issues?

While PageFly has integrated with a wide range of apps, there may be occasional limitations or compatibility issues, especially with newer or less mainstream apps.

2. What third-party apps have integrated with PageFly?

PageFly has integrated with a wide range of third-party apps covering various aspects of ecommerce, including product information, media, reviews, subscriptions, marketing, and more. You can find a comprehensive list in the “About Third-Party App Integrations” section.

Do not hesitate to contact us via Livechat if you have any questions or need help, our Support team is available 24/7 to assist you!

Don’t miss our YouTube playlist on how to leverage third-party elements for higher conversion rates!

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