Use Shopify Appstle Membership with PageFly

About Appstle MembershipsClick to copy

The Appstle Memberships app in Shopify helps you create and manage membership plans. It can help increase sales and build customer loyalty.

This guide will show you how to use Appstle Memberships effectively in your Pagefly Page. In order to use this element, the Appstle Memberships app has to be installed on your Shopify store.

How To Access The Appstle MembershipsClick to copy

From PageFly EditorClick to copy

  • Step 1: In the PageFly page editor, click on Add third-party elements on the left toolbar.
  • Step 2: Hit Manage integrations or the gear icon at the top.
  • Step 3: Search for “Appstle Memberships“, enable it, and then click Close. The element will now be available in the Add third-party elements menu.
  • Step 4: To add it to your page, go to Add third-party elements, select and drag the Membership Plans by Appstle element to the desired area on your page.

Access The Appstle Memberships

From PageFly DashboardClick to copy

  • Step 1: Click on Extra functions on the left sidebar in the PageFly dashboard.
  • Step 2: Press the Manage button next to the Integration section.
  • Step 3: Search for “Appstle Memberships” and hit the Activate button.
  • Step 4: Add to your page by following the same 4th step as in the PageFly editor.

How To Configure Settings For Appstle MembershipsClick to copy

PageFly’s SettingsClick to copy

After adding the Appstle Memberships element to your PageFly page, you can customize it using the settings on General and Styling tabs the right sidebar:

General TabClick to copy

This tab lets you customize the Appstle Memberships element’s appearance and behavior:

  • Visibility:
  • Hide on desktop/laptop/tablet/mobile: Check these options if you want the element to be invisible on specific devices.
  • Attributes:
  • HTML ID: Enter an ID for the element for identification or scripting purposes.
  • HTML class: Assign a class for styling or JavaScript actions.

Click More settings if you need to set additional attributes.

  • Animation:
  • When visible: Choose an animation for the element as it comes into view on the live page.
  • When mouse over: Select an animation to trigger when a mouse hovers over the element.

You can check more information about settings in the General tab here.

Styling TabClick to copy

Use this tab to define the look of the Appstle Memberships element on your page:

  • Spacing:
  • Margin: Adjust the space around the element. Use the top, right, bottom, and left fields to set each side individually.
  • Border:
  • Border style: Select the style of the border from solid, dotted, dashed, etc. Customize the width and color if needed.
  • More settings: Expand for additional border options.
  • Effects:
  • Opacity: Move the slider to set how transparent the element is, from fully visible (100%) to completely transparent (0%).
  • Enable shadow: Toggle “Yes” to add a shadow for a 3D effect or “No” to keep the element flat.
  • Advanced:
  • CSS code: Enter custom CSS to further style the element.
  • Override theme styling: Toggle “Yes” if you want your custom CSS to take precedence over the site’s theme CSS.

You can check more information about the Styling tab here.

After making your adjustments, remember to click Save and Publish to apply the changes and see the element live on your PageFly page.

Appstle Memberships’ SettingsClick to copy

Step 1: Open Appstle Memberships

Access the Appstle Memberships app from the Apps section in your Shopify Admin to start setting it up.

Step 2: Create and Configure Membership Plans

1. In Appstle Memberships’s dashboard, click on Plans & Perks then Create Membership Plan.

2. Fill out your plan’s details, including Membership name, Customer Tag Name, and Order Tag Name.

3. Hit Select Membership Listing to select the product for your membership plan.

4. Set up the Membership Plan Renewal Cycle.

From here, you can configure:

  • Membership renewal frequency: Choose between Days, Weeks, Months, or Years and enter the corresponding number.
  • Frequency Name: Provide a name for the renewal frequency, such as ‘Monthly Membership’.
  • Minimum/Maximum Membership Renewal: Set the minimum and maximum number of billing cycles for the membership.
  • Trial and Discounts: Check options to offer a trial period, apply discounts, and manage customer tag requirements for the membership.
  • View advanced settings: Click to set a specific renewal day if needed.

5. Set up the Form Fields to collect customer information.

  • Click Add Field > enter Field Label and choose Field Type from text field, dropdown, checkbox, radio group, or date field.
  • Determine if the field is required and if it will be visible.

6. After configuring, hit Save to apply your settings.

Common CasesClick to copy

Membership Visibility on Different DevicesClick to copy

When using Appstle Memberships with PageFly, a common issue that might arise is the inconsistency in how membership options appear on different devices, such as desktops, tablets, or smartphones.

In this case, please try these solutions:

  1. Adjust Visibility Settings: Modify the Visibility settings in PageFly for the Appstle Memberships element to ensure it shows up on all intended devices.
  2. Responsive Testing: Use PageFly’s preview feature to test how the membership options appear on different devices and make any necessary adjustments.
  3. Responsive Design: Tweak the spacing and styling options in PageFly to create a responsive design that adapts well to all screen sizes.
  4. Custom CSS: Employ custom CSS with media queries to fine-tune the appearance of the membership elements for specific devices.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

Can I Offer Trial Periods For My Membership Plans?Click to copy

Yes, Appstle Memberships allows you to offer trial periods. When setting up your plan, simply check the ‘Offer Trial?’ option.

Is It Possible To Provide Membership Discounts?Click to copy

Absolutely, you can offer discounts to members by checking the ‘Offer Discount For Membership’ box during the setup of your membership plan.

Additional ResourcesClick to copy

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