How to use Reputon Testimonials Slider with PageFly

About Reputon Testimonials Slider AppClick to copy

What Is Reputon Testimonials Slider?Click to copy

The Reputon Testimonials app helps you collect and showcase testimonials, photo and video reviews from platforms like TikTok and YouTube. It enhances site trust and reputation by embedding excellent recommendations widgets and various review styles on your website. You can import reviews from multiple platforms and customize review request forms.

Install Reputon Testimonials SliderClick to copy

Before using this element in PageFly, you’ll need to install the Reputon Testimonials Slider app to your store and configure all its options.

How To Access Reputon Testimonials SliderClick to copy

In page editor, follow these steps to access Reputon Testimonials Slider element in PageFly:

  • Step 1: In the PageFly editor, click “Add third-party element” on the left menu
  • Step 2: Click “Manage integrations” or the gear icon on top
  • Step 3: Search for “Reputon Testimonials Slider” and enable it
  • Step 4: Click “Close” and the element will appear in the “Add third-party element” menu

How To Configure Reputon Testimonials Slider the elementClick to copy

From PageFlyClick to copy

Add Reputon Testimonials Slider ElementClick to copy

Before starting to set up for the Reputon Testimonials Slider element, you will need to add this element onto your page canvas:

  • Step 1: Click “Add third party element” on the left menu bar
  • Step 2: Look for “Reputon Testimonials Slider” element
  • Step 3: Click on the element to see its variant
  • Step 4: Drag and drop the variant onto the page canvas

Reputon Testimonials Slider item has 1 element: Testimonials Slider

Configure Reputon Testimonials Slider ElementClick to copy

  • Shortcode: After entering the shortcode here, we can access the embeddable widget from the Reputon Testimonials Slider app for the slider you’ve created.

Note: Regarding adding shortcode, you need to finish setting up and get it in the Reputon Testimonials Slider app.

  • After adding the element, click on it to see different ways to change how it looks, like adjusting the space around it, changing its border, or adding special effects. Use the “Styling” tab in PageFly to explore your options.

Note: All element configuration must be done in the Reputon Testimonials Slider app before using in PageFly.

From Reputon Testimonials Slider AppClick to copy

Before using the Reputon Testimonials Slider elements in PageFly, you’ll need to create and configure your embed content in the Reputon Testimonials Slider app:

Step 1: Create An Embed ContentClick to copy

Please click on “Add content” button.

reputon pagefly

After you have entered the title of the content, you need to click on the “Save” button.

Step 2: Create A Shortcode And Copy The Code To Use In The PageFly App.Click to copy

Click on the ‘Add widget manually‘ button.

After that, select widget and click ‘Copy to clipboard’ button and paste it into the “Shortcode” section in PageFly as mentioned above.

And the Reputon Testimonials Slider app is ready for use on PageFly!

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

How Do I Send The Follow-Up Emails To My Previous Customers?Click to copy

Reputon Customer Reviews app automatically collects all fulfilled orders up to 2 months old right after its installation. It will ask you if you want to process those customers and will send them follow-up emails giving your business the instant rating boost.

What Happens If I Reach The Email Limit?Click to copy

Your emails will stop sending until your monthly limit resets. You can upgrade to lift your limits.

Additional ResourcesClick to copy

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