Use TT Ali Product Reviews Element with PageFly

About TT Ali Product Reviews ElementClick to copy

What is the TT Ali Product Reviews?Click to copy

The TT Ali Product Reviews element is designed to:

  • Showcase product testimonials to bolster confidence in its quality and enhance conversion rates.
  •  Utilize the TT Ali Product Reviews element to display reviews and the star rating of one specific product or all of your products.

Install TT Ali Product ReviewsClick to copy

Before using this element, you have to install the Trustoo Product & Ali Reviews app to your store and configure all options in the app, and then come back to PageFly to use the element(s) for the corresponding product(s) you want.

How To Access TT Ali Product Reviews ElementClick to copy

In the page editor, follow these steps to access the TT Ali Product Reviews Element:

  • Step 1: In the PageFly editor, click “Add third-party element” on the left menu
  • Step 2: Click “Manage integrations” or the gear icon on top
  • Step 3: Search for “Trustoo Prodcut & Ali Reviews” and enable it
  • Step 4: Click “Close” and the element will appear in the “Add third-party element” menu

tt review

How to Configure TT Ali Product Reviews ElementClick to copy

Important note
  • The Trustoo Product & Ali Reviews element can only work on a Product Page or inside a Product Details element.

From PageFlyClick to copy

Step 1: Add Trustoo Product & Ali Reviews App ElementClick to copy

  • Step 1: Click “Add third party element” on the left menu bar
  • Step 2: Look for “Trustoo Product & Ali Reviews” element
  • Step 3: Click on the element to see its variant
  • Step 4: Drag and drop the variant onto the page canvas

drap and drop ali review element

The TT Ali Product Reviews element comes with 2 variations. Drag and drop a variation to the layout and set it up.

  • Star Rating
  • Review Widget

Step 2: Configure Trustoo Product & Ali Reviews App ElementClick to copy

After adding the element, you can adjust for it by clicking on the element.

  • From the “General” tab, you can choose Ali Product Reviews you want to use from the list created in the Trustoo Product & Ali Reviews app.

You can check more information about the General tab here.

  • For styling options like margins, borders, and effects, go to the “Styling” tab. You can find more details about the available options here.

You can check more information about the Styling tab here.

Lastly, save and publish your page to see it on Live View.

NOTE: This element only works on the Live View.

From Trustoo Product & Ali Reviews’ SettingsClick to copy

Step 1: Go to the Shopify Admin > Apps > Choose Trustoo Product & Ali Reviews app.

Step 2: In the Trustoo Product & Ali Reviews dashboard, click on the dropdown Widget menu

Step 3: From here, you can adjust the look of the all the reviews.

ali review element app settings

After you finish configuring all the options, go back to PageFly to start using the TT Ali Product Reviews element on your page editor.

In addition, you can choose one of the various types of widgets, such as: Review widget, Q&A Widget, or Star rating widget,…

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

OverviewClick to copy

When was TT Ali Product Reviews Created? 2022
How Much is TT Ali Product Reviews? From $9.99/ month
Can I use the Ali Reviews Shopify App on PageFly Editor? Yes

What is TT Ali Product Reviews?Click to copy, named as TT/VS Ali reviews before, is fully customizable to fit your brand, is a social proof solution which helps brand to recognise themselves by collecting and publishing product reviews with photos from real clients.

What Are Included in TT Ali Product Reviews Plans?Click to copy

All reviews widget, Import 20 reviews per product, 20 Reviews per import, 50 order review request emails per month and 50 order Discount Coupon.

Who are currently in partnership with TT Ali Product Reviews?Click to copy

Pagefly,, LOOX, DSers, Zendrop, Dropshipman

Additional ResourcesClick to copy

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