How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

About PageFly Page SettingsClick to copy

PageFly Page Settings is the pack of settings to customize and optimize your PageFly page’s features, utilizing 6 page types: Regular, Home, Collection, Product, Password, and Blog Post pages.

The purpose of setting up pages in PageFly is to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of your online store, making it more engaging and user-friendly. Customization allows for a better shopping experience, potentially increasing conversion rates and customer retention.

This setup is applicable for creating stand-alone pages, landing pages, marketing campaign pages, and more.

Before diving into the specifics, a video tutorial is recommended for a comprehensive understanding of how to modify page settings from the PageFly page editor.

How To Access PageFly Page Settings In Page EditorClick to copy

You can find the Page Settings within the Page Editor interface.

Here is the way to access it:

  • Step 1: Click on the gear icon on the left menu bar to access the Page Settings.
  • Step 2: There are some options for you to set up. We will go through each option in the next section.

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

What Can Be Set Up In PageFly Page SettingsClick to copy

Basic settings include configuring page titles, types and URLs, theme template names, and theme sections. This step-by-step guide ensures users can swiftly start enhancing their pages:

Page TitleClick to copy

Easy customization of the page’s title here:

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

Page Types & Page URLClick to copy

Selection from six types, each with unique settings like Page URL, Additional Info, and Page Assignment based on the type chosen.

  1. Regular Page: A standalone page, landing page (About us, Contact us,…) or subpage for a marketing campaign of your store promotion. The Page URL will look like “”
  2. Home Page: A stunning brand-new introductory page for your store.
  3. Collection Page: An add-on to attach more content to your current Shopify collection page, or a new one to fully replace Shopify’s default collection page.
  4. Product Page: An add-on to attach more content to your current Shopify product page, or a new one to fully replace your Shopify default product page.
  5. Password Page: A beautiful look to notify, entertain, or capture contacts of visitors when your store is under construction.
  6. Blog Post: A custom blog entry page to promote marketing content, your products or your brand.

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

The URL address of the page is shown here

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

Note: the Page URL, Additional Info and Page Assignment will change according to the Page Type

How to Switch Page TypesClick to copy

  • Step 1: Click gear icon to open the Page Settings
  • Step 2: Head to the Page Type option > Choose the page type you want. In this case, we choose the Regular page.
  • Step 3: Save the page

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

Theme Template NameClick to copy

When you create a page on PageFly, a new page template will be created on the Shopify theme too.

The Theme Template Name shows you the name of the page on Shopify theme so that you can use it to find a page on the theme or select the page for the Theme template on Shopify

Note: This parameter won’t show for Home page and Password page.

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

Theme’s SectionsClick to copy

PageFly allows you to show or hide the theme’s header and footer or choose specific theme sections to display with your PageFly pages.

To learn more about managing headers, footers, and theme integration, check out the guide How PageFly work with your Shopify theme.

Regular page, Home page, Password page, Collection page, Product Page You can choose to hide/show the Header and Footer

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

Blog post page You can choose to hide/show:
  • Header / footer
  • Blog post Info
  • Assigned Tags
  • Featured Image
  • Comment Form

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

Social Sharing ImageClick to copy

You can control the image shown when sharing on social media here (only applied for Regular page).

To use the Social Sharing Image, the page must be published.

Click on the “Add files” button to open the Image Manager > Select image > hit “Done” button.

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

You can click on the Check status to check if the image has been uploaded or not. But please note that there might be some delay from Facebook’s side so if you don’t see the image, please try to open the page in incognito mode or wait for a few minutes.

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

OptimizationClick to copy

Optimization allows enabling or disabling lazy loading for images to improve page load speed by reducing transferred data. This helps enhance performance and user experience.

Note: From PageFly 4.13.0 onwards, the lazy loading settings will appear in each image’s General tab. The Optimization option here will only affect old images that were added before version 4.13.0. You can read more about the Image element in this article.

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

How To Work With PageFly Page AssignmentClick to copy

Specific to product or collection pages, the Page Assignment section will show up above the Page Settings icons so that you can assign product(s) or collection(s) for that page.

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

In Page Assignment, you can select which product(s) or collection(s) to apply to your corresponding product or collection page by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Click on the tag icon above the Page Settings icon to access “Page Assignment”
  • Step 2: Assign products/collections to the page. There are 2 ways to assign products/collections:
    • All products / All collections: The page will be applied to all product or collection pages on your store

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

    • Custom Products / Custom collections: The page will be applied to specific product or collection pages. Click on “Add products” or “Add collections” to select the pages to apply. You can select multiple products or collections.

How to Edit Page Settings with PageFly

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

1. How many page types can I choose?

Six, including Regular Page, Home Page, Collection Page, Product Page, Password Page and Blog Post.

2. Can I Change The Page Types?

Of course, you can easily change the page type by clicking the field “Page Type’’ and selecting it from the dropdown.

3. Why Can’t I Save The Settings?

With Product and Collections Page, please make sure that you’ve assigned the corresponding product(s)/ collection(s) to the page before saving Page Settings.

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