Creating a Shopify Blog Post with PageFly

About PageFly Blog Post PageClick to copy

PageFly empowers you to craft a visually appealing Shopify blog post page without any coding skills. Our intuitive drag-and-drop interface gives you all the freedom to control the layout and design of your Shopify blog post page.

Follow our comprehensive step-by-step guides to learn how to create a Shopify blog post with PageFly.

RequirementsClick to copy

You can install PageFly Page Builder for Free here.

How To Create A Shopify Blog Post Page With PageFlyClick to copy

Before going to know how to create a blog post page, this video tutorial will help you to have a clear view of how to create a blog post page:

Create A PageFly Blog Post PageClick to copy

There are 2 ways to create a PageFly blog post page:

  • Create the page from scratch
  • Create the page from templates

Option 1: Create Page From ScratchClick to copy

In the PageFly dashboard, head to the Pages tab > Click on the Create blank page button on the right sidebar to start building your page from scratch > Select Blog post.

Option 2: Create Page From TemplatesClick to copy

From the Pages Dashboard, hit the Create from template button > Choose Blog post. Once the Template Library is opened, you can pick a suitable PageFly template for your Blog Post page. Click Select after you have chosen one.

Edit Blog Post Page SettingsClick to copy

Themes SectionsClick to copy

  • Step 1: Head to the header of the Editor > On the top right sidebar, click on More actions > Choose Page settings.
  • Step 2: Scroll down to the Theme’s sections > Enable Blog post info.
  • Step 3: Hit Save.

Once you’ve done with all customizations, it’s time to hit the Save and Publish button at the top right sidebar.

To successfully publish a blog post, you’ll need to add the Page title and Page URL and then add the additional settings of a blog post.

You can add more blog posts in Shopify assigned to different Shopify blogs. You can add to your PageFly blog page with these blog posts.

All of them give you 4 types of blog options you can choose including:

  • Blog Post Info: Enable this option to show the blog date and the author.
  • Assigned Tags: Enable this option to show Tags set to the blog post in your Shopify Admin.
  • Featured Image: Enable this option to show the Blog posts Featured image set in your Shopify Admin.
  • Comment Form: Enable this option to show a comment section on the blog page.

Note that if you enable the Comment Form type and want the comments to be displayed, you need to allow it in the Shopify admin.

To enable this option, go to the Online Store of Shopify admin > Blog posts in the dropdown menu > Manage blogs.

And then choose a blog you want to show comments, in this example, choose the “Manual” blog.

You can see the Comments are disabled. Now click on the “Manual” blog.

In the Comments section on the left screen, choose “Comments are allowed, and are automatically published” option > Click on the Save button.

You can also choose the second option if you don’t want any comments to be automatically published. If you choose this option, you will control and moderate any comments in your blog post.

Page OptimizationClick to copy

The Page Optimization configures settings for the optimization of your page. You can find it in the Optimization tab in Page Settings.

You can choose to Enable Lazyload Images for any page you want. For the page(s) you set up Lazyload Images on, when you scroll down, the images below will be loaded gradually. It is applied for all the images such as Collection Image, Background Image, Product Image, etc.

The Lazyload Images option helps to optimize your page loading speed. It helps your page load fast.

The Header and Footer section is displayed when you choose all types of pages, except the Password Page. You can choose to show or hide the header and footer of the page in the General Tab in the Page settings. To edit the header and footer, visit your theme customizer.

Update Contents And Design For Your Shopify Blog PostClick to copy

We’ve chosen the Cipi template because this template can be found in the Blog Post page type. You can change to other templates and add information to suit your store. Here is a quick look at the Cipi template.

You can use the Blog Posts element to show a single, or a list of blogs, from your Shopify store on a page. You also can take time to check this blog out to understand more about how to make full use of your Blog post page.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

Can You Do Blog Posts On Shopify?Click to copy

Yes, you can freely create a blog post on Shopify, as this worldwide online store comes with a built-in blogging engine.

Is Shopify Blog Free?Click to copy

Yes, it is, if you plan to create a Shopify Blog Post from scratch.

Is Shopify Blog SEO Friendly?Click to copy

Shopify is standard for SEO optimization, as it has clean coding and organized structure, however, you cannot install common SEO third-party plug-ins to SEO admin, such as RankMath and YoastSEO… Therefore, you should still have a subdomain parallel with Shopify Online Store to do blog posting for well-SEO-written articles.

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