Remove the blank space on top of the page

OverviewClick to copy

Summary: In this article, you will learn how to remove the blank space on top of the page when you integrate a Shopify free theme, like Debut or Narrative with PageFly.

How To Remove Blank Space On Top Of The Page?Click to copy

You can consult this video for more visualization about how to remove the blank space on the top of the page as well as other related issues to the theme conflict:

Step 1: Access Add Custom Code EditorClick to copy

Click on the “Add custom code” icon in the bottom of the left sidebar to access the custom code editor.

Step 2: Insert the custom code into the CSS sectionClick to copy

Get the code here and then paste it onto the “Custom CSS” section.

Step 3: Publish The PageClick to copy

Click Save Changes then Publish – it’s done!

Click Live view to see the page.

Tips And Best PracticesClick to copy

Remove The Blank Space At The Bottom Of The PageClick to copy

When you use the Narrative theme with PageFly, you may find the space at the bottom of the page.

All you need to do is copy the code below, paste it into the Add custom code editor and update the design.

Get the code here then paste it onto the Custom CSS section and click Save.

For the Debut theme, you can use this code and add it to the Custom CSS section of the Custom code editor.

For other themes, if you have the same problems, please do not hesitate to contact us via the Live chat so we can support you.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

How Do I Remove The Blank Space At The Top Of My Shopify Page?Click to copy

To remove the blank space, open the Custom code editor and insert the provided custom code into the CSS section. Don’t forget to save your changes and publish.

Can I See The Changes Before My Page Goes Live?Click to copy

Yes, after saving and publishing your changes, you can click on Live view to see how the page looks.

Additional ResourcesClick to copy

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