How to Use Page Outline on PageFly Pages

1. About The Page OutlineClick to copy

Have you ever wondered how you could keep track of all of the sections and elements on your page like a whole picture? Page Outline Layout is the answer to that question.

1.1. What Is Page Outline?Click to copy

The outline is just a simple record of sections, rows, columns and specific elements used on your page. Thanks to this feature, you can easily navigate to the element you would like to work on by clicking on the name of that element on the layout.

1.2. Access The Page OutlineClick to copy

Step 1: Click on the Page Outline button (the first icon from the top) before the Element Catalog

Step 2: Normally, your page is divided into sections. To explore more of what each section contains, open it by clicking on the arrow next to each section. There will be Row, Column, and other elements inside.

Note: If you just get started and your page is blank, the page outline will suggest you with PageFly templates.

2. Page Outline ConfigurationClick to copy

2.1. Rearrange The PositionsClick to copy

You can rearrange the positions of sections, columns, rows, or elements. The outline allows you to drag the section to the position you want as long as these objects are on the same level.

2.2. Show And HideClick to copy

​​You can show and hide sections, rows, columns, or elements with just one click on the eye right next to the section, rows, columns, or elements.

Please note that this section will apply to the device that you are on. For example, if you are working on a mobile view, the “hide” action will only be applied to the mobile view.

In the page outline, the hidden section will be blurred when you hide it on a device and then you can recognize it on the corresponding device.

2.3. Rename, Duplicate Or DeleteClick to copy

To do these actions, please click the three dots on the right. You will find the options of rename, duplicate or delete.

If your page outline’s width is not enough to show all of your elements, PageFly allows horizontal scrolling which will help you see all of your elements.

2.4. Video TutorialClick to copy

Get a comprehensive overview of PageFly and learn how to get started with this easy-to-use Shopify page builder with this informative video!

3. Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

3.1. What is Page Outline?

Page outline is just a simple record of sections, rows, columns and specific elements used on your page.

3.2. What can I do with Page Outline?

Rearrange the Positions, Show and Hide sections, elements, Rename, Duplicate and Delete.

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