PageFly is now compatible with Online Store 2.0

PageFly has had the biggest improvement which is compatible with Online Store 2.0. Let’s dive deep into the significant changes and how to utilize these powers.

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Great fit with all themes including DawnClick to copy

Dawn is the most powerful theme released with Online Store 2.0.

With PageFly, you will find it easy to customize the layout and the look of your pages regardless of worrying about the theme conflict. To do this, it’s highly recommended that you should turn on the Theme Styling and then, make any modifications you want.

If you are looking for a premium theme for your store, we recommend Blum and Electro from SalesHunterThemes. They are compatible with Online Store 2.0 and load much faster than most themes on Shopify. Plus, when you those themes, you can get PageFly’s 20-Slot Plan for Only $1/month for 5 months. Check it here.

PageFly can detect the theme you are using and accurately display its look. This allows you to leverage the power of the most robust page builder and seamlessly integrate it with your preferred theme, ensuring your store has a superior interface and optimal functionality.

For more details, please check the video tutorial below:

Customize Default product detailsClick to copy

When you are using a Theme for your online store 2.0, on the Product page, you don’t hide the Default product details in the Page Settings. Instead, you can hide it in the Theme editor in Shopify.

The new Theme customizer 2.0 allows you not only to hide the product details but also to change the product details’ position to anywhere you want such as above or below Page Fly’s page. That’s why PageFly won’t support this in our editor. You can do it directly in the Theme Customizer to make a change to your default product details as you expect.

Go to the Theme editor in ShopifyClick to copy

To go to the Theme editor in Shopify, you can choose to do one of three ways below:

  • Option 1: You can access Theme Editor in Page Settings by clicking on the link named Open theme editor.

  • Option 2: Choose the Visit theme editor button:

When you access your page editor, if you haven’t used any element, there would be a section that lets you visit the theme editor.

You can click on it to access it directly.

  • Option 3: Select the Visit theme editor button:

Or else, you can tap on the three-dot icon and then, select the Visit theme editor button.

Afterwards, you will direct to the Theme editor, and tap on the eye icon to hide or unhide any part of your Product page.

Next to the eye icon, there will be a button that you can drag and drop to move the section to the position you want. Especially, you can do similarly to make a change to the positions of elements inside the section.

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